Our Mission and Vision

Quality education is a right for every child – NYO mission is to remove barriers which hinders children from needy families from attending school; contribute to reducing drop-out rates, promotion of health and nutrition, provide leisure facilities to youth.

Vision: A reasonable career prospects is created for needy young Rwandans in the community, through quality education and material support such that the social status of their families is raised.

Primary objectives
1.To promote education ECD (Early Childhood Education), Primary school, Secondary and promoting   literacy in adult people.
2.To promote healthcare and well- being
3.To support students from needy   families with scholarship and basic needs;
4.To improve leisure facilities in local    community; through sports and entertainment
5 Fighting Malnutrition through    agriculture.

Our strategy
 1.Community center for development
 2. Inclusive Early childhood centers and innovatio
 3. Community engagement
4.  Foster participative approach with beneficiaries and partner with other organizations.
What we do

We have selected the following problems


Nufashwa Yafasha Organization is committed to helping those in need. The organization believes that everyone deserves a chance to succeed, regardless of their circumstances.


Nufashwa Yafasha Organization is committed to operating in an ethical and transparent manner. The organization's work is guided by its values, and it is committed to accountability and transparency.


Nufashwa Yafasha Organization is committed to creating long-term change. The organization's programs are designed to help people become self-sufficient and to break the cycle of poverty.


Nufashwa Yafasha Organization operates a free nursery school for children from 3 to 6 years old. The school provides a quality education that prepares children for primary school.


Nufashwa Yafasha Organization provides free healthcare to children and their families. The organization also provides support for children with disabilities.

Economic empowerment

Nufashwa Yafasha Organization provides economic empowerment opportunities to women and girls. The organization offers training in income-generating activities, such as sewing, tailoring, and hairdressing.

Psychosocial support

Nufashwa Yafasha Organization provides psychosocial support to children and their families. The organization offers counseling and support groups to help people cope with the challenges of poverty and trauma.